Household fixed expenses

A household has to deal with quite a few fixed expenses. Sometimes you lose the overview completely. It is smart to keep track of your fixed costs. You regain control of your money which gives a lot of peace. Often a lot of money is spent on small things. Small errands or a cup of coffee on the go. By keeping track of the fixed expenses of your household, you can quickly see opportunities to start saving. You will also no longer be faced with surprises in the future. We understand that no one wants a handwritten housekeeping book. That’s why we developed a handy app. Download it now for free and get started right away!

Keeping track of the fixed expenses of your household

In our handy app you can immediately see an overview of your fixed expenses. You regain control of your household. Easily link transactions from one or more banks so you don’t have to manually enter your income and expenses. You can then share your transactions with people of your choice, such as your partner. You can also switch to incognito mode at any time so that no one can watch you anymore.

Because you immediately get a handy overview of the fixed expenses of your household, you immediately see where there are opportunities to save. In our app you can set budgets and savings goals so that you can save as much as possible. With a budget you never spend more money than you determine in advance. A savings goal can help if you want to save for specific goals. For example a holiday, education or house.

And that’s not all

  • Our smart app also automatically calculates future expectations. So you will never be faced with surprises again. From now on you can foresee future expenses in advance.
  • Link your loyalty cards to the app to always benefit from discounts in stores.
  • Finally, our app is completely safe and reliable. We comply with all security and privacy laws. We also use highly secured connections. We understand the importance of keeping your data safe at all times.

Download the iBilly app for free!

Are you also convinced of the advantages of our app? We certainly are! Download the app now for free. You can immediately benefit from an overview of the fixed expenses of your household. That’s exactly what you were looking for. You can also choose from one of our subscriptions. Would you rather discuss or do you have questions for us? Feel free to contactus so that we can help you quickly. We are happy to help you.

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